GET S*** DONE! Anti-Procrastination Group

Are you a serial procrastinator? Have you been unable to consistently motivate yourself on your own? Do you need more structure and accountability at work or in your creative projects?

Maybe you’ve got that big, daunting, long-term work project that you don’t know how to get started. Or maybe you’ve been wanting to write your novella but can’t find that spark of inspiration. Or maybe you’ve been meaning to clean your garage for the past two years but just can never find the time.

GET S*** DONE is a weekly group designed to give you the structure, support, and accountability needed to finally start doing whatever you most want to do.


We are a group of people coming together to inspire and support one another to move forward with important projects in their lives or careers.

Each week, we will start the session with everyone sharing what they want to make progress on and what beliefs and emotions might be standing in our way. We’ll then mute ourselves and go do it (whatever “it” may be) for one hour. We’ll close the session by discussing what we learned and offering each other whatever support might need to keep going. Repeat: The majority of this call is simply time for you to work on your project, no interruptions or distractions.

That’s it! It’s that simple and it’s totally free.


Every Monday from 12:30pm to 2pm Pacific Time


Online video chat


GET S*** DONE is facilitated by leadership coach Peter Schulte of Spark of Genius. It’s available to anyone who is interested – but I’d like to get to know you first. So if you’d like to join and I don’t know you personally, let’s set up a brief (10-15 minutes) chat and get to know each other.

Ground rules

  1. Quiet work time is sacred! Keep yourself on mute. You are free to use the group chat function to communicate with others.
  2. Peter is available for support/micro-coaching throughout the session. Use the chat function to ask for help if you need it.
  3. We each agree to evaluate the success of each session by whether or not we show up and put in the time. We trust that the quantity and quality of output will come so long as we consistently put in the time.

Next steps