Why non-profits are part of the problem
How can we expect to drive real change when we are constantly underfunded and in the pockets of corporate donors?
How can we expect to drive real change when we are constantly underfunded and in the pockets of corporate donors?
In a now-famous video, comedian Russel Brand passionately pleads:
[British Prime Minister] David Cameron says profit isn’t a dirty word, well I say profit is a filthy word… I think the very concept of profit should be very much reduced because wherever there is profit there is also deficit.
But is profit really a dirty word?
If you’re a white American, like me, the absolute worst thing someone can call you is racist. That is a problem.
If Trump is really serious about eliminating terrorist attacks, why not propose banning men?
Is it possible that by spitting hate and vitriol at rapist Brock Turner we simply reinforce the thought processes that got us here in the first place?
Often, when I tell people I’m building an online media company, I get a bunch of blank stares. What the […]
If we offer something that is truly of value and conduct business with integrity and in alignment with values you share, will you pay more than you have to?
Kindling is here to help us humans grow in the direction of sustainability, equality, and peace. We are creating a space and community where you can learn about and help build our society’s next systems – economic, political, organizational, and spiritual; those that are possible and those that are already emerging.