Clean & renewable energy

clean energy concept, photovoltaic panels and wind turbines in the light of the rising sun

Wind and solar energy production in U.S. surpasses coal for the first time in history

From January through July of this year, wind and solar in the U.S. generated more net electricity than power from coal, according to recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Further, wind energy generation alone beat coal energy generation in two consecutive months: March and April. As CleanTechnica reported, wind energy installations produced 45.9 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in March and a record high 47.7 GWh in April, compared to the 38.4 GWh in March and 37.2 GWh in April generated by coal-fired power plants.

Wind and solar energy production in U.S. surpasses coal for the first time in history Read more

Aerial view of large solar farm

World’s biggest battery storage project gets underway in Chile

Financial close has been reached for the first two phases of the world’s largest battery storage project, the Oasis de Atacama in Chile, with 1.24GWh now financed and an eventual 4.1GWh once all five phases are completed. Grenergy expects the completed project will generate electricity equivalent for the needs of 145,000 homes and reduce CO2 emissions by over 146,000 tons.

World’s biggest battery storage project gets underway in Chile Read more

Charging an EV

Kenya to acquire 1,000 EVs per year for federal staff

The Kenyan government’s move to start buying electric vehicles could be good news for companies that are looking assemble or retail electric cars in the country. The announcement just said “vehicles,” and therefore could include electric buses, trucks, and motorcycles as well, which would be a major boost for Kenya’s nascent electric vehicle ecosystem.

Kenya to acquire 1,000 EVs per year for federal staff Read more

Coal-fired power plant

China’s new coal projects plummet by 80% in 2024

From January through June, Chinese officials permitted 10.3 gigawatts of new coal capacity, far less than the 50.4 gigawatts approved in the first half of last year, according to an analysis from Greenpeace and the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. While China is bullish on renewables — it is currently building twice as much wind and solar as the rest of the world combined — officials have been looking to coal to meet demand when solar and wind are in short supply.

China’s new coal projects plummet by 80% in 2024 Read more

Solar farm

New Zealand’s biggest solar farm secures finance to go ahead at Christchurch Airport

Leading global renewable energy developer Lightsource BP has secured $NZ267 million in financing for its 168MW Kōwhai Park solar project planned to be built at the Christchurch Airport, which will be – for a time – the largest in the country. The solar farm is expected to begin construction later this year and begin operations some time in 2026. Once operational, the Kōwhai Park solar farm will generate over 275GWh per year, equivalent to the annual demand of approximately 36,000 homes.

New Zealand’s biggest solar farm secures finance to go ahead at Christchurch Airport Read more

And nine more of humanity’s social change milestones from the week of July 1 – 7 2024 C.E.

Wind and solar capacity overtake coal in China in historic first

In what is being hailed as a “pivotal moment” and an “historic first”, the accumulated capacity of wind and solar projects in China has overtaken coal for the first time, and solar capacity alone is predicted to overtake coal within two years. Rystad Energy says it has analyzed the latest data from China’s National Energy Administration and says the additions of wind and solar have outstripped coal in China by a factor of 16 in the first half of 2024 – as new coal additions slump to just eight gigawatts.

Wind and solar capacity overtake coal in China in historic first Read more

Ocean Energy grid-scale wave energy generator Hawaii

Revolutionary grid-scale wave energy generator deployed in Hawaii

Ocean Energy has deployed its 826-tonne wave energy converter buoy OE-35 at the US Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site off the coast of the island of Oahu ahead of it being hooked up to Hawaii’s electricity grid. With a potential output of 1.25 MW, OE-35 harnesses energy from the waves using a remarkable double-flow air system.

Revolutionary grid-scale wave energy generator deployed in Hawaii Read more

Fervo Energy geothermal plant

World’s biggest geothermal power purchase agreement completed in western U.S.

It’s only been one year since Fervo Energy unveiled a novel concept in geothermal energy harvesting at its Project Red pilot plant in Nevada. Now the company has signed a 15-year agreement with Southern California Edison to provide 320 MW of power to the utility, which will power about 350,000 homes. The power will be provided by Fervo’s Cape Station project that is currently being built in southwest Utah, with the first 70 MW coming online in 2026 and the balance clicking on in 2028.

World’s biggest geothermal power purchase agreement completed in western U.S. Read more

Wind turbines amid flower farm

E.U. surpasses 50% renewable power share for first time ever in first half of 2024

Electricity industry association Eurelectric has released figures showing that 50% of public electricity generation in the E.U. came from renewables for the first time in history earlier this year. The association said Europe was decarbonizing at an unprecedented pace, with just over 50% coming from renewable energy and nearly 75% coming from non-fossil-fuel sources, up from 68% last year.

E.U. surpasses 50% renewable power share for first time ever in first half of 2024 Read more