North & Central America

Rows of students at graduation

U.S. President Biden announces additional $1.2 billion in student debt relief for 35,000 public-sector workers

President Joe Biden announced another round of student loan debt forgiveness, totaling $1.2 billion for 35,000 public-sector workers including teachers, nurses, and firefighters. The administration has now canceled more federal student loan debt than any prior administration – now totaling more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million Americans.

U.S. President Biden announces additional $1.2 billion in student debt relief for 35,000 public-sector workers Read more

Good news for LGBTQ rights, pride flags

California passes first-in-the-nation law banning forced outings of queer students in state public schools

The SAFETY Act prohibits “parental notification” policies in school districts that require educators to notify parents if their child requests to use pronouns and facilities different from the gender they were assigned at birth. The law, which goes into effect immediately, also protects teachers and administrators from retaliation if they choose not to follow district directives to out queer kids to their parents.

California passes first-in-the-nation law banning forced outings of queer students in state public schools Read more

American money

U.S. Internal Revenue Service collects milestone $1 billion in back taxes from high-wealth taxpayers

Last year, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) launched a series of initiatives aimed at pursuing high-wealth individuals who have failed to pay their tax debts. The IRS says the campaign is focused on taxpayers with more than $1 million in income and more than $250,000 in recognized tax debt.

U.S. Internal Revenue Service collects milestone $1 billion in back taxes from high-wealth taxpayers Read more

Fervo Energy geothermal plant

World’s biggest geothermal power purchase agreement completed in western U.S.

It’s only been one year since Fervo Energy unveiled a novel concept in geothermal energy harvesting at its Project Red pilot plant in Nevada. Now the company has signed a 15-year agreement with Southern California Edison to provide 320 MW of power to the utility, which will power about 350,000 homes. The power will be provided by Fervo’s Cape Station project that is currently being built in southwest Utah, with the first 70 MW coming online in 2026 and the balance clicking on in 2028.

World’s biggest geothermal power purchase agreement completed in western U.S. Read more

Good news for public health, picture of a virus

New twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV achieves 100% success rate in late-stage trial

In this double-blind, randomized study of 5,300 cisgender women in South Africa and Uganda, 2,134 got the injection and the others took one of two types of daily PrEP pills. The trial from California-based company Gilead Sciences began on August 2021 and, so far, not a single woman who received the injections has contracted HIV. The participants who received either of the oral PrEP options, Truvada and Descovy, had infection rates of about 2% — consistent with the infection rates of oral PrEP in other clinical trials.

New twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV achieves 100% success rate in late-stage trial Read more

Chiquita banana

Colombian victims win historic lawsuit in U.S. court over banana giant Chiquita

Following 17 years of legal proceedings, victims of paramilitary violence in Colombia have obtained justice, as a jury found the banana company Chiquita Brands International liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) paramilitary group. The ruling is historic because it’s the first time an American jury has held a major U.S. corporation liable for complicity in serious human rights abuses in another country. Victims’ families will receive $38.3 million in compensation.

Colombian victims win historic lawsuit in U.S. court over banana giant Chiquita Read more

Good news for LGBTQ rights, pride flags

Joe Biden to pardon thousands of American veterans convicted of having gay sex

Biden said he was “righting a historic wrong by using my clemency authority to pardon many former service members who were convicted simply for being themselves,” calling the law “a great injustice.” This act of clemency means that thousands of military personnel who were convicted over six decades for engaging in consensual sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex would be able to apply for a certificate of pardon that would help them gain access to benefits that were previously withheld.

Joe Biden to pardon thousands of American veterans convicted of having gay sex Read more

Close up of a Black-faced impala.

South Sudan launches epic effort to protect the world’s largest mammal migration

The migration has enabled animals such as the white-eared kob, tiang, Mongalla gazelle and bohor reedbuck to survive seasonal changes for decades. The South Sudanese government’s partnership with the nonprofit African Parks aims to protect up to six million animals on the east bank of the White Nile, a tributary of the Nile.

South Sudan launches epic effort to protect the world’s largest mammal migration Read more

Herd of caribou

Inuvialuit people and Canadian governments sign deal to create massive new conservation area

The Inuvialuit and the Canadian federal and Yukon governments have signed a new conservation agreement to ensure greater protection for more than 2 million acres of the Yukon’s northeast coast, 1.8% of Yukon’s landmass. The agreement provides protection and conservation of wildlife such as the Porcupine caribou herd, polar bears, and migratory birds. It will also help preserve and promote traditional use amongst Inuvialuit mostly living in Aklavik and Inuvik in the Northwest Territories who access the area.

Inuvialuit people and Canadian governments sign deal to create massive new conservation area Read more