Many of my mental models are those shared with others. Together, they form what we call “culture.”
Many of my mental models are those shared with others. Together, they form what we call “culture.”
It is utter chaos all around us. Our brains are by necessity simplifiers, pattern seekers, and meaning makers. We use mental models to cut through the noise and give shape to the chaos.
It is not just outrage, despair, and hatred of others. It is not just fear. It is self-loathing. We are disgusted by ourselves.
Likely more than any other time in our history, humans believe our species is in decline, perhaps even careening swiftly, hopelessly toward our very demise.
Underneath all outrage, despair, hatred, cynicism, and apathy is just fear. We fear we are losing something essential, something that defines us, something that makes life worth living.
Anger, sadness, and disgust curdle into outrage, despair, and hatred only when they trigger an existential crisis, only when we are convinced our very identity is at stake.
Even amidst our profound division, we often share the same core emotions: outrage, despair, hatred. The reasons are different, but the feelings and judgments are strikingly similar.
It’s now only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves and the Earth as we know it. And we deserve it. This is the story that many of us tell ourselves.
This book offers a new story for those infected with cynicism, despair, and shame for our species. It asks: What if we looked at humanity itself with the same awe, compassion, and goodwill I have for Owen and Asa or any parent has for their child?