
Traffic in a Chinese city

25% of new car sales in China were fully electric in 2023 for the first time ever

Electric vehicles sales in China, the world’s largest automotive market, are surging. All plugin models accounted for 37% of the market in 2023, up from just 6% at the end of 2021. Full electrics (BEVs) alone accounted for 25%. Plugins are expected to cross the 50% mark for plugins and electric by 2026, with BEVs likely to account for over a third of sales, if current trends persist.

25% of new car sales in China were fully electric in 2023 for the first time ever Read more

Human ear

Chinese scientists develop novel gene therapy that allows deaf children to hear for the first time

The scientists from Shanghai’s Fudan University implanted new genetic code into a harmless virus and then injected the viruses into the children’s cochlea. They say the experiment has sparked hearing in four out of five children who received the treatment.

Chinese scientists develop novel gene therapy that allows deaf children to hear for the first time Read more

Holding a glass of water

U.S.-China collaboration creates the cheapest and fastest way to desalinate seawater yet discovered

“For the first time, it is possible for water, produced by sunlight, to be even cheaper than tap water,” said Lenan Zhang, a research scientist from the team from MIT and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “This opens up the possibility for solar desalination to address real-world problems.”

U.S.-China collaboration creates the cheapest and fastest way to desalinate seawater yet discovered Read more

Aerial view of Shanghai at night

China’s “War on Pollution” has added years to citizens’ life over last decade

While the life expectancy has risen on average 2.2 years since 2013, some cities have seen far more drastic increases. Citizens living under the new “Beijing Blue,” are predicted to live 4 more years, while those 11 million in Baoding are predicted to gain 6 years.

China’s “War on Pollution” has added years to citizens’ life over last decade Read more