United Kingdom

"Love Shouldn't Hurt" written on woman's back

British postal service Royal Mail launches online safe space for domestic abuse survivors

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, domestic violence has got worse. Now, Royal Mail has launched an online portal that helps survivors access support and advice free of charge, which has a quick exit tool and doesn’t show up in internet search history.

British postal service Royal Mail launches online safe space for domestic abuse survivors Read more

Heroin use

U.K.’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness

Campaigners celebrated the first “dramatic” results from Middlesbrough’s scheme, which found a vast reduction in re-offending rates and use of street drugs, and significant improvements in participants’ health and quality of life, including seeing those homeless at the outset placed in accommodation.

U.K.’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness Read more

Vials of blood

New blood test can detect prostate cancer with unprecedented precision

A new blood test for prostate cancer is producing a 99% accuracy rating—precision that has never before been achieved for a blood test of this particular kind of cancer. The test can also determine the exact stage and progression of the cancer, reducing the need for invasive biopsies and scans.

New blood test can detect prostate cancer with unprecedented precision Read more