United Kingdom

Offshore wind turbines

New offshore wind deal to triple number of ‘green collar jobs’ in U.K. by 2030

The new deal plans to increase the workforce within the sector to 27,000 by 2030, tripling the current 7,200 jobs today. The deal is in line with the strategy’s Clean Growth Grand Challenge to maximize the advantages for UK industry from the global shift to clean growth.

New offshore wind deal to triple number of ‘green collar jobs’ in U.K. by 2030 Read more

New ‘Trojan Horse’ cancer drug successfully treats patients with 6 different kinds of lethal tumors

A brand new type of cancer drug that acts as a “Trojan horse” to get inside tumor cells has shown promise in patients with advanced, drug-resistant cancers. Patients with six different cancer types have responded positively to the new treatment.

New ‘Trojan Horse’ cancer drug successfully treats patients with 6 different kinds of lethal tumors Read more