
florian wehde xW e gdotxI unsplash

Municipal elections in France yield a string of victories for environmentalists

The unprecedented showing for Europe Écologie Les Verts, a once minor political party, means Green mayors will take charge in Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux and Strasbourg. The party also came out on top in mid-sized cities such as Tours, Besancon, Annecy and Poitiers, while retaining control of Grenoble.

Municipal elections in France yield a string of victories for environmentalists Read more

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Los Angeles, Atlanta among cities joining coalition to test universal basic income

The mayors of Los Angeles, Oakland, Atlanta, Georgia, Tacoma, Newark, Saint Paul, Jackson, Compton, Shreveport, and Stockton have joined Mayors For A Guaranteed Income, a coalition advocating for UBI policies, or the idea of giving out recurring cash payments to all individuals without any strings attached.

Los Angeles, Atlanta among cities joining coalition to test universal basic income Read more