Clean & renewable energy

Wind turbine from below

U.S. Windpower installs the world’s first wind farm in New Hampshire

The world’s first wind farm stood on the north side of Crotched Mountain in southern New Hampshire, on land owned by the Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, a hospital and school that serves individuals with disabilities and their families. It consisted of 20 30kW turbines – quite small by standards of the 2020s.

U.S. Windpower installs the world’s first wind farm in New Hampshire Read more

Solar panel

China begins producing solar energy cells for first time

The first solar cell factories were located in Ningbo and Kaifeng. Annual national solar capacity installations were still low, as only 0.5 kW of photovoltaic capacity was installed. This increased to 8 kW in 1980, 70 kW in 1985, 500 kW in 1990, and 1550 kW in 1995. Soon, China would become the world’s undisputed leader in solar energy production.

China begins producing solar energy cells for first time Read more

Solar panel

Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson at Bell Labs invent the silicon photovoltaic cell, a major breakthrough for solar power

Many argue that this event marks the true invention of PV technology because it was the first instance of a solar technology that could actually power an electric device for several hours of a day.

Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson at Bell Labs invent the silicon photovoltaic cell, a major breakthrough for solar power Read more

Frank Shuman thermal solar plant concept drawing

Frank Shuman builds the world’s first solar thermal power plant in Egypt

Frank Shuman was an American inventor, engineer, and solar energy pioneer known for his work on solar engines. Shuman built the world’s first solar thermal power station in Maadi, Egypt in 1913, using used semi circle shaped troughs to power a 60-70 horsepower engine that pumped 6,000 gallons of water per minute from the Nile River to adjacent cotton fields.

Frank Shuman builds the world’s first solar thermal power plant in Egypt Read more

James Blyth's windmill at his cottage in Marykirk in 1891

James Blyth of Scotland builds world’s first ever wind turbine used for electricity generation

Blyth’s 10 m high, cloth-sailed wind turbine was installed in the garden of his holiday cottage at Marykirk in Kincardineshire and was used to charge accumulators developed by the Frenchman Camille Alphonse Faure, to power the lighting in the cottage, thus making it the first house in the world to have its electricity supplied by wind power. Blyth offered the surplus electricity to the people of Marykirk for lighting the main street, however, they turned down the offer as they thought electricity was “the work of the devil.”

James Blyth of Scotland builds world’s first ever wind turbine used for electricity generation Read more