
Ghanaian artifacts

U.S. museum returns artifacts to Ghana that were looted 150 years ago

Looted from British-colonized Ghana in the 19th century before being transferred to Fowler Museum at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the 1960s, the artifacts included an elephant tail whisk, an ornamental chair made of wood, leather and iron, two gold stool ornaments, a gold necklace and two bracelets.

U.S. museum returns artifacts to Ghana that were looted 150 years ago Read more

Buddha statue in the dark

New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to return looted ancient art to Cambodia and Thailand

Thirteen of the works are being returned to Cambodia in concert with an investigation from the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York and Homeland Security. Among the works are a large head of Buddha made of stone in the seventh century, and a tenth century sandstone goddess statue from the Koh Ker archaeological site.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to return looted ancient art to Cambodia and Thailand Read more

Flag of Ceylon

Ceylon gains independence from Great Britain

Following the Second World War, public pressure for independence increased in the British-ruled Colony of Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka. Independence was formally granted under the Ceylon Independence Act 1947 and full independence was finally achieved independence on 4 February 1948, with an amended constitution taking effect on the same date.

Ceylon gains independence from Great Britain Read more