
NBA arena

The NBA and its players’ union announced a plan to use arenas as election polling places

The announcement came two days after N.B.A. players staged a dramatic work stoppage in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., on Sunday. Some staffers in the N.B.A.’s league office also chose not to work on Friday to spend time on social causes instead.

The NBA and its players’ union announced a plan to use arenas as election polling places Read more

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Municipal elections in France yield a string of victories for environmentalists

The unprecedented showing for Europe Écologie Les Verts, a once minor political party, means Green mayors will take charge in Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux and Strasbourg. The party also came out on top in mid-sized cities such as Tours, Besancon, Annecy and Poitiers, while retaining control of Grenoble.

Municipal elections in France yield a string of victories for environmentalists Read more