
Self-portrait of a woman with cancer and her children

Triple-negative breast cancer vaccine shows good response in first clinical trial of patients

A drug that targets the deadliest form of breast cancer was administered to 16 women in three separate doses in a trial conducted at the Cleveland Clinic with funding from the Pentagon. The trial found that the drug elicits no side effects and triggered an immune response in 75% of patients.

Triple-negative breast cancer vaccine shows good response in first clinical trial of patients Read more

Cherokee woman putting on white jacket

First tribally-associated medical school in the United States launches in the Cherokee Nation

In rural Oklahoma, a brand new medical school sits in the Cherokee Nation, training Nation members to become physicians at Nation clinics. Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation is the first tribally associated medical school in the country.

First tribally-associated medical school in the United States launches in the Cherokee Nation Read more