Oil, Natural Gas & Divestment

San Fransisco, CA

San Francisco, Oakland, and Seattle ban natural gas in new buildings

In November, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted to ban natural gas in new buildings. On December 2, Oakland’s city council did the same. Now Seattle Mayor Durkan announced a proposal to ban natural gas in new commercial and large multi-family construction for space and most water heating.

San Francisco, Oakland, and Seattle ban natural gas in new buildings Read more

Faith institutions divest

47 faith institutions from 21 countries to divest from fossil fuels

The institutions which announced their divestment include the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union, Irish religious order the Sisters of Our Lady Apostles, the American Jewish World Service, and the Claretian Missionaries in Sri Lanka. Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish organizations joined the coalition.

47 faith institutions from 21 countries to divest from fossil fuels Read more

Charleston, SC, USA

Charleston sues 24 fossil fuel companies for costs of surviving climate change

As Charleston approaches Friday’s third anniversary of Hurricane Irma’s extreme surge and flooding that devastated the city, officials today filed a lawsuit in South Carolina state court to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the costs of adapting to the harmful impacts of climate change.

Charleston sues 24 fossil fuel companies for costs of surviving climate change Read more