Wildlife & land conservation

Dominican Republic forested landscape

The Dominican Republic reforests a fifth of the country in 10 years

Plan Yaque, founded in 2009, brings together 30 organizations to conserve the Yaque River basin, the Dominican Republic’s lifeline. The plan’s simplicity rests in convincing landowners that reforestation is not only an ecological need but also beneficial to their well-being. By 2019, Plan Yaque and other environmental efforts have restored 18 percent of damaged land, ranking as Latin America’s second-largest land recovery.

The Dominican Republic reforests a fifth of the country in 10 years Read more

Birds eye view of tropical rainforest deforestation. An earth mover removes trees which are then burnt

E.U. Parliament votes to criminalize most serious cases of ecosystem destruction

The European Union has become the first international body to criminalize the most serious cases of environmental damage that are “comparable to ecocide.” Ecosystem destruction, including habitat loss and illegal logging, will now be punished with tougher penalties and prison sentences. Member countries will have two years to put the updated directive into national law.

E.U. Parliament votes to criminalize most serious cases of ecosystem destruction Read more

Bee on yellow flowers

E.U. passes landmark law to restore 20% of Europe’s degraded land and sea by 2030

The European Parliament has approved the Nature Restoration Law – setting a target for the E.U. to restore at least 20% of its land and sea areas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. With over 80% of European habitats in poor shape, the E.U. Nature Restoration Law aims to restore degraded ecosystems in all Member States, help achieve the E.U.’s climate and biodiversity objectives and enhance food security.

E.U. passes landmark law to restore 20% of Europe’s degraded land and sea by 2030 Read more

Asian elephant and baby

Bangladesh bans capture and exploitation of wild asian elephants

In a “landmark” ruling, Bangladesh’s High Court has suspended all licenses for the adoption of critically endangered wild elephants, meaning they can no longer be legally taken into captivity or exploited. The ban to protect the approximately 200 wild elephants remaining in Bangladesh was welcomed by animal rights groups. Nearly half the elephants are living in captivity.

Bangladesh bans capture and exploitation of wild asian elephants Read more

Salmon jumping upstream

President Biden brokers $1 billion deal with Oregon, Washington, 4 Columbia River tribes to revive Northwest salmon population

The plan brokered by the Biden administration pauses long-running litigation over federal dam operations and represents the most significant step yet toward eventually taking the four Snake River dams down. The plan will strengthen tribal clean energy projects and provide other benefits for tribes and other communities that depend on the Columbia Basin for agriculture, energy, recreation and transportation, the White House said.

President Biden brokers $1 billion deal with Oregon, Washington, 4 Columbia River tribes to revive Northwest salmon population Read more

Salmon run

U.S. federal district court orders removal of Washington State’s Electron Dam

A federal district court recently ruled that a large portion of Electron Dam must be removed from the Puyallup River in Washington because the dam harms fish protected under the Endangered Species Act. Electron Dam has been harming Chinook salmon, steelhead, and trout for nearly 100 years.

U.S. federal district court orders removal of Washington State’s Electron Dam Read more

Bolivian rainforest

Bolivian town Sena protects 1 million acres of Amazon rainforest

Called the Gran Manupare Integrated Management Natural Area, the law was overseen by, and passed for the benefit of, “peasants and indigenous communities,” per a statement from the mayor’s office. Located in the Pando Department in the far northern corner of Bolivia, the new protected area represents almost 8% of its forests and has significantly increased the region’s conservation coverage to 26%. In the past 25 years, Bolivian towns like Sena have protected 10 million contiguous 25 million acres of Bolivia’s Amazon—an area nearly the size of Iceland.

Bolivian town Sena protects 1 million acres of Amazon rainforest Read more


2023 was the first year without elephant poaching in Republic of Congo’s Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park

The park, which celebrated its 30th anniversary on December 31 of 2023, also shared an exciting conservation milestone: 2023 was the first year without any elephant poaching detected. “We didn’t detect any elephants killed in the Park this year, a first for the Park since [we] began collecting data. This success comes after nearly a decade of concerted efforts to protect forest elephants from armed poaching in the Park,” Ben Evans, the Park’s management unit director, said in a press release.

2023 was the first year without elephant poaching in Republic of Congo’s Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Read more

5 River Delta Resource Center, Alabama

$15 million land purchase to protect 8,000 acres of “America’s Amazon” in south Alabama

Nearly 8,000 acres of Alabama’s most sensitive and ecologically important land is being preserved forever, thanks to a multi-million dollar collaboration involving The Nature Conservancy in Alabama, Patagonia, and an undisclosed donor. The Nature Conservancy in Alabama says it has closed a $15 million+ deal to buy 7,990 acres in Clarke County at the head of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta, often called “America’s Amazon” for its remarkable biodiversity and wildlife.

$15 million land purchase to protect 8,000 acres of “America’s Amazon” in south Alabama Read more

Aerial view of rolling hills

England brings in biodiversity rules to force builders to compensate for loss of nature

England is launching a biodiversity credit scheme that attempts to force all new road and housebuilding projects to benefit nature, rather than damage it. The “nature market”, called biodiversity net gain (BNG), means all new building projects must achieve a 10% net gain in biodiversity or habitat. The requirement becomes law under the Town and Country Planning Act on February 12 for larger sites, and on April 2 2024 for smaller sites.

England brings in biodiversity rules to force builders to compensate for loss of nature Read more