Muhammad Yunus

About Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. He founded the Grameen Bank in 1983, with the idea that credit is a fundamental human right. Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below.”

He also co-founded Yunus Social Business (YSB), in 2011, which creates and empowers social businesses to address and solve social problems around the world. As the international implementation arm for Yunus’ vision of a new, humane capitalism, YSB manages incubator funds for social businesses in developing countries and provides advisory services to companies, governments, foundations and NGOs.

Yunus has also taught economics at Chittagong University, in Bangladesh, served as Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University, and published several books on finance, including Banker to the Poor, Creating a World Without Poverty, and A World of Three Zeros.


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