U.S. destroys last of its Cold War chemical weapons

Good news for humankind!

From the week of July 10 – July 16 2023 C.E.

U.S. destroys last of its Cold War chemical weapons

After over three decades of effort, the United States has destroyed the last of its chemical weapon stockpile that once consisted of 30,000 tonnes of deadly chemical agents in explosive munitions and storage containers.

Nepal’s Supreme Court orders government to register same-sex marriages

Justice Shrestha’s interim order will allow same-sex couples and other LGBTQ+ couples to legally register their marriages immediately, while the government prepares legislation to amend the civil code and formally legalize same-sex marriage.

Deforestation fell 26% in Colombian Amazon last year

“This is really dramatic,” conservationist Rodrigo Botero told The Guardian. “It’s the highest reduction in deforestation and forest fires that there has been in two decades.”

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