2020 C.E.

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The Nature Conservancy buys stretch along Virgin River for $4.3M, protecting vital wildlife corridor near Zion National Park

With the help of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and private donations, The Nature Conservancy has bought 2 miles of property along the Virgin River near Zion National Park for $4.3 million.

The Nature Conservancy buys stretch along Virgin River for $4.3M, protecting vital wildlife corridor near Zion National Park Read more

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NFL condemns racism, admits ‘we were wrong’ not to listen to NFL player protests

National Football League commissioner Roger Goodell admitted the league was “wrong” for failing to listen to players who protested social injustice. Goodell said he wants players to continue to speak out through protesting, supported the Black Lives Matter movement, and offered his participation.

NFL condemns racism, admits ‘we were wrong’ not to listen to NFL player protests Read more