The bright side of outrage

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We are sickened and outraged by the state of the world.

We see poverty, inequality, environmental destruction, greed, cruelty, and on and on. It all seems so pointless. It’s not that we as humanity don’t have the solutions, it’s that many of us are simply unwilling to look beyond our own short-term self-interest.

Why don’t they see? Why won’t they see?

Is this just human nature? Will we always be trapped and limited by our greed and selfishness? Are we destined to replay the same cycles of oppression and unconsciousness, over and over until we destroy ourselves?

Notice: While many of us think such thoughts from time to time, if not often, these thoughts contradict themselves. In the act of asking why humanity can’t seem to take that next step in its consciousness and evolution, that next step into compassion, care, and responsibility, we demonstrate that very ability within ourselves. We demonstrate that humanity is in fact capable of such things.

We would be truly doomed if none of us thought this way. We would be doomed if in the face of injustice, poverty, and environmental destructive, we sat there unfazed and oblivious. But we don’t.

Again, notice: Many of us, an ever-growing number of us, have these very thoughts, are dreaming a new world into existence, can clearly see our potential, demonstrate our capacity for a new way of being.

Outrage and possibility are two different sides of the same coin. Outrage can only exist in the presence of the possibility of something different, a knowing that things could be better.

The change we want and need is happening – right now. We prove it to ourselves every time we find ourselves and others in the grips of outrage.

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