I still haven’t found what I’m looking for


I’ve been listening to U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” a lot this week. What a song! I don’t think I really appreciated its depth and sadness before.

Some of us spend much of our lives searching for meaning, as if it’s something that exists outside of us that must be discovered. We frustrate ourselves to no end because we always come up empty. 

I believe this search for meaning is and always will be futile. We will never find what we are looking for.

All we can ever do is create meaning for ourselves. Our work is in listening to what wants to grow in side of us and allowing it to blossom. It is believing that the meaning we create for ourselves is just as worthy and real as if it had been given to us by some higher power.

1 thought on “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”

  1. That’s very true. As long as we look for meaning outside of us we are always experiencing lack!
    It’s all so wonderfully to be found inside of us!

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