Public health & disease

Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization, killing bacteria in milks and revolutionizing health practices

Pasteurization, invented by Louis Pasteur in 1864, kills harmful bacteria that tend to grow in dairy products, especially in the absence of refrigeration. At the time, the discovery was rather revolutionary; it allowed milk to be consumed less immediately and prevented many illnesses.

Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization, killing bacteria in milks and revolutionizing health practices Read more

Baby and mother holding hands

Jacob Nufer of Switzerland performs the first known Cesarean Section birth with both mother and baby surviving

Perhaps the first written record we have of a mother and baby surviving a cesarean section comes from Switzerland in 1500 when sow gelder, Jacob Nufer, performed the operation on his wife. The mother lived and subsequently gave birth normally to five children, including twins. The cesarean baby lived to be 77 years old.

Jacob Nufer of Switzerland performs the first known Cesarean Section birth with both mother and baby surviving Read more