Survey results

Kindling Logo February 2019 trans@4x

Hi Kindling community,

A few weeks ago, I asked you to fill out a survey on what Kindling is doing well and how we can improve. First off, thanks to all who responded!

Fortunately, I donā€™t think the results suggested the need for a major re-think. Over half scored it a 5 of 5 in terms of value, while over 35% scored it a 4 of 5.

Regarding what Kindling can do better, one theme jumped out at me: 22% of you wanted more tangible tools for driving change yourself, while another 15% wanted a way for Kindling to drive change as a community.

So let me throw it back at you: How could Kindling not only show the inspiring change happening all around us, but more directly catalyze change itself? What ideas do you have for making this a reality?

2 thoughts on “Survey results”

  1. i-Aloo Frawley

    Hi, I was thinking, one SUPER easy way is perhaps to make sending the email newsletter to our friends/mailing lists, more of a thing. I dig how you have all the IG and links at the bottom. Maybe at the top of another newsletter, once in a while, you could make a call out for additional subscribers, which would probabably, statistically, boost patrons and hopefully go viral and grow exponentially. I’m so grateful to be a part of something that I can tell will BLOW UP. I already got my mom and sister to subscribe, and they post your stories on FB all the time, or text me the info with a hundred exclamation points. It’s like giving out free just feels good. And people love being reminded that there are mainly a lot of good people in the world doing what they can and staying positive šŸ™‚

    1. Thank you i-Aloo! It’s really nice to hear that Kindling is valuable to you. And I so appreciate you spreading the word! As for your suggestion on adding prompts at the top of the newsletter, I added something like this recently. See:, under “Discuss”. Any thoughts on whether that’s enough, or if not, how we can make that more visible?

      Thanks again and take care,

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