4 Day Week Global

About 4 Day Week Global

4 Day Week Global is a New Zealand-based not-for-profit community established by Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart to provide a platform for those who are interested in supporting the idea of the four-day week as a part of the future of work.

With help from local researchers and researchers from Cambridge University, Boston College, and Oxford University, 4 Day Week Global coordinates pilot programs where businesses can try a 6-month trial of a four-day work week, with no loss in pay for employees. Pilot programs already exist in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, and new programs are launched every quarter in new regions. The goal of these programs is to demonstrate that workers can work four days instead of five, while maintaining 100% of their pay, and 100% of their productivity, something 4 Day Week Global refers to as the ‘100-80-100’ model.

4 Day Week Global believes that shifting to the four-day week will result in improved productivity, well-being, engagement, recruitment, sustainability, and innovation.


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