Eden Reforestation Projects

About Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects works alongside local communities in Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Nepal, Indonesia, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Brazil to produce, plant, and protect tens of millions of trees every month. This creates jobs to support each community in restoring their local environment and economy long-term. Working in extremely remote settings, their national directors lead the locals with grit and relentless determination through a range of challenges, from extreme weather and landslides, to poachers, bandits, and wild animals. To plant a tree in any of the aforementioned countries, it costs 15 cents (with the exception of Brazil, 33 cents). Eighty percent of donations go toward the tree-planting program and the remaining twenty percent to administration and fundraising. Donations of all amounts are accepted.

As Eden Reforestation Projects continues to scale, they will grow from planting nearly a million trees per day to more than a billion trees per month. For some perspective, according to Time Magazine: a trillion trees could sequester some 200 gigatons of carbon over their lifetimes—equal to the annual emissions from more than 43 billion cars (by some estimates).


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