Trauma Stewardship Institute

About Trauma Stewardship Institute

The Trauma Stewardship Institute is a U.S.-based organization that was founded in 2011 by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, author of Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. The Trauma Stewardship focuses on raising awareness of and responding to the cumulative toll on those who are exposed to the suffering, hardship, crisis, or trauma of humans, living beings, or the planet itself. Their aim is to create a larger, cross-disciplinary movement that helps decrease isolation and works toward building a critical mass of those striving for sustainability.

The Trauma Stewardship Institute is actively raising awareness of the cumulative toll that crisis, stress, and trauma has on individuals, organizations, and society. They are also facilitating conversations on systematic oppression and liberation theory, and responding to acute trauma, whether individual or collective. While individuals can reach out to the Trauma Stewardship Institute in times of crisis for direct consultation, the Institute also reaches out to communities through keynote speeches and experiential workshops.


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