Social distancing


Wow. Coronavirus. 

In between bouts of mild panic and just trying to get by, I find myself thinking a lot about “social distancing.”

Many people seem to be angry at how many of us are still going out to bars and being reckless. They take it as evidence of our selfishness and stupidity.

But from where I stand, the vast majority of people I know and see have been earnestly practicing social distancing. They have taken drastic measures to isolate themselves at great economic and social cost. And most are not doing so out of fear for themselves, but for fear for others, in service to the greater good. 

For me, “social distancing” has actually felt a lot more cooperative, social, and close than the norm. Even amid all the concern and pain right now, it has been a strange relief to have a problem that feels like it unites us together.

Even amid all the concern and pain right now, it has been a strange relief to have a problem that feels like it unites us all together. 

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