Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history


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  • Bern, Switzerland
    2020 C.E. December 7

    Switzerland is set to be the next country to legalize marriage equality

    The Council of States passed a law that would legalize marriage equality with a 22-15 vote, with seven abstentions. The lower house passed the bill this past June. The bill now goes back to the National Council for final approval and it is expected to pass before the end of the year.

  • Anchorage, Alaska, USA
    2020 C.E. December 4

    Anchorage introduces team of mental health first responders

    Starting next year in Anchorage, Alaska, a new team of mental health first responders will replace police for emergency calls for someone with a mental health issue. The Mobile Crisis Team is funded by a new local alcohol tax and the team is trained to be dispatched to situations police do not have adequate training to address.

  • San Fransisco, CA
    2020 C.E. December 4

    San Francisco, Oakland, and Seattle ban natural gas in new buildings

    In November, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted to ban natural gas in new buildings. On December 2, Oakland’s city council did the same. Now Seattle Mayor Durkan announced a proposal to ban natural gas in new commercial and large multi-family construction for space and most water heating.

  • Ocean view
    2020 C.E. December 4

    Denmark announces end to oil & gas exploration in North Sea

    According to the Washington Post, the Danish Parliament voted on December 3 to end offshore gas and oil extraction, which had started in 1972 and made the country the largest producer in the European Union. The Danish government says it is “now putting an end to the fossil fuel era.”

  • Nasdaq listing on newspaper
    2020 C.E. December 3

    Nasdaq to mandate diversity requirements for listed companies

    The diversity requirements would mandate that each of the Nasdaq’s 3,249 companies have at least one female director and at least one director who identifies as an underrepresented minority or LGBTQ+.

  • Cherokee woman putting on white jacket
    2020 C.E. December 3

    First tribally-associated medical school in the United States launches in the Cherokee Nation

    In rural Oklahoma, a brand new medical school sits in the Cherokee Nation, training Nation members to become physicians at Nation clinics. Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation is the first tribally associated medical school in the country.

  • Woman with hand on head
    2020 C.E. December 3

    First of-its-kind study suggests psilocybin can help treat migraines

    A first-of-its-kind exploratory study, led by researchers from Yale School of Medicine, has found a single dose of the psychedelic psilocybin can reduce migraine frequency by 50 percent for a least two weeks.

  • Leg with Elephantiasis
    2020 C.E. December 2

    Elephantiasis cases cut by 150 million worldwide since 2000

    Over the last 20 years, however, the number of people infected has dropped by 74%, from 199 million to 51.4 million, and last year three countries—Malawi, Kiribati, and Yemen—eliminated it altogether.

  • Swinomish Tribal Community march
    2020 C.E. December 2

    50 Native American tribes are now implementing climate strategies

    Dozens of Native nations and tribal institutions in the United States have designed climate change plans that include formal strategies and initiatives to increase the resiliency of their communities.

  • Stove top
    2020 C.E. December 2

    Homes in Scotland will be the world’s first to use 100% green hydrogen

    Scotland’s gas SGN company will outfit some 300 homes in Fife with free hydrogen boilers, heaters, and cooking appliances. The effort is the largest attempt so far to test whether carbon-free hydrogen can help the U.K. meet its carbon goals.

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