Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history


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  • Rainforest
    2020 C.E. October 23

    Amazon tribes to use drones to detect illegal deforestation in Brazilian rainforest

    Indigenous rights’ groups and WWF International are beginning to train Andean tribes people deep within the Amazon rainforest in the use of drones so that they, as forest-dwelling specialists, can help protect wildlife, and identify, compile evidence for, and report on, illegal logging activities.

  • andrew roberts JvEjF tf unsplash
    2020 C.E. October 23

    Electric car sales in Europe have smashed expectations

    Electric car sales in Europe are expected to have tripled this year compared to 2019, and are expected to climb to as much as 15% of the total market share by 2022.

  • Police offcier
    2020 C.E. October 22

    Activists build facial recognition to identify cops who hide their badges

    In order to hold police accountable when they try to hide their identities, a growing number of activists are developing facial recognition tools that identify cops, The New York Times reports — a striking inversion of the way cops tend to use facial recognition on protestors and suspects.

  • Compton Blvd. sign
    2020 C.E. October 22

    Compton to launch America’s biggest guaranteed income program

    Following in Stockton’s footsteps, the city of Compton, California, has launched its own basic income program called the Compton Pledge that will aim to assist 800 people through no-strings-attached direct cash payments over two years.

  • Coastal waters
    2020 C.E. October 22

    Samoa pledges to preserve 30% of its ocean

    Samoa’s land mass accounts for less than three percent of its territory, and the country is largely dependent upon the ocean for food and income. To preserve this vital resource, the Samoa Government has committed to fully managing its ocean area and protecting 30 percent by 2025 through the Samoa Ocean Strategy.

  • dominik vanyi Mk ls UBO E unsplash
    2020 C.E. October 21

    Poland’s once-mighty coal industry is in retreat

    Even though Poland produces more coal than any other nation in the European Union, the industry’s inefficiencies and plummeting global prices have reduced its 70 mines in 1990 to about 25 today; in that same period, the number of miners has plummeted from 388,000 to 80,000.

  • ZEROe Airbus
    2020 C.E. October 21

    Airbus unveils world’s first zero-emission commercial aircrafts

    Collectively dubbed ZEROe, the climate-neutral, zero-emission concepts are designed to carry maximum passenger loads between 100 and 200 people for flights that range from short-haul trips to transcontinental journeys. Airbus’ hydrogen-powered commercial aircrafts could enter service as early as 2035.

  • Lights of human head and brain
    2020 C.E. October 21

    Microdosing LSD improves mood and cognition, according to new study

    In the placebo-controlled study, published in European Neuropsychopharmacology, scientists from University of Basel and Maastricht University gave volunteers either a small dose of LSD or a placebo, then measured their ability to pay attention and process information, as well as keeping an eye on their mood.

  • Temple at Bagan, Myanmar
    2020 C.E. October 21

    Myanmar eradicates trachoma

    The World Health Organization has validated that the disease has been eliminated from the country: This is extra impressive, because in 2005, trachoma was responsible for 4% of all cases of blindness there. The nation joins Nepal in the WHO South-East Asia Region and 12 countries globally to achieve this feat.

  • Austin Quinn-Davidson
    2020 C.E. October 20

    Austin Quinn-Davidson to become Anchorage’s first gay and first woman mayor

    The city of Anchorage, Alaska will have its first woman mayor and its first gay mayor as Austin Quinn-Davidson is set to become the city’s acting mayor after Mayor Ethan Berkowitz (D) announced his resignation amidst sexual harassment allegations.

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