Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history


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  • Mail-in ballot with pen
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Colorado to be first state in the U.S. to expand automatic voter registration to tribes

    Tribal communities in Colorado share some of the same registration and voting barriers as other rural communities across the U.S., like geographic isolation and unreliable mail delivery. But according to the Native American Rights Fund, tribal communities also commonly experience obstacles like language barriers, a lack of voter registration opportunities, and state laws in some parts of the country that block polling places on tribal lands.

  • Buddha statue in the dark
    2023 C.E. December 15

    New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to return looted ancient art to Cambodia and Thailand

    Thirteen of the works are being returned to Cambodia in concert with an investigation from the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York and Homeland Security. Among the works are a large head of Buddha made of stone in the seventh century, and a tenth century sandstone goddess statue from the Koh Ker archaeological site.

  • Silhouette of an airplane
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Denmark introduces “green tax” for sustainable aviation

    Revenue from the new measure is expected to contribute to sustainable fuel use in domestic air transportation by the end of the decade, as well as a pensioner bonus increase of approximately $2.18 billion annually for those receiving the smallest benefits. The Danish government’s goal is to have the nation’s first exclusively green-fueled domestic route operating by 2025.

  • Self-portrait of a woman with cancer and her children
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Triple-negative breast cancer vaccine shows good response in first clinical trial of patients

    A drug that targets the deadliest form of breast cancer was administered to 16 women in three separate doses in a trial conducted at the Cleveland Clinic with funding from the Pentagon. The trial found that the drug elicits no side effects and triggered an immune response in 75% of patients.

  • Sunset
    2023 C.E. December 14

    Papua New Guinea creates two massive new Marine Protected Areas

    Together they cover more than 6,200 square miles, tripling the country’s marine area under protection, and are the country’s first to be co-managed by Indigenous communities.

  • A Somali flag
    2023 C.E. December 13

    Somalia secures $4.5 billion debt relief deal with international creditors

    The deal comes as part of a debt forgiveness program —called the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative— overseen by the IMF and the World Bank. As a result of its participation in the program, Somalia’s external debt will fall from 64% of GDP in 2018 to less than 6% of GDP by the end of 2023.

  • Waving a pride flag
    2023 C.E. December 13

    Thailand to legalize same-sex marriage

    The Southeast Asian country will become the third Asian nation, after Taiwan and Nepal, to legalize same-sex marriage. A new amendment to its Civil and Commercial Code will change the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” to “individuals” and “marriage partners.” The next step will be an amendment to the country’s pension fund law to recognize same-sex couples.

  • Sahara scimitar Oryx
    2023 C.E. December 13

    North Africa’s scimitar horned oryx becomes first species ever to be downlisted from extinct in the wild to endangered

    The scimitar horned oryx was once widespread across North Africa, but in the 1980’s the population began to plummet - largely due to the antelopes being hunted. In 2000, the species was declared Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN Red List. Now, thanks to a conservation partnership coordinated by the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi, its fate has been reversed.

  • Electric bus
    2023 C.E. December 12

    Senegal’s capital Dakar is getting 121 electric buses

    The new Bus Rapid Transit system is one of the key components of an ambitious strategy for sustainable urban mobility. It will help improve air quality in Dakar and reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, with around 59,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year.

  • Small German town with polluting coal plant in the distance
    2023 C.E. December 11

    E.U. approves German state aid for early closure of coal plants

    The European Commission has agreed that Germany should be allowed to pay the energy giant RWE some €2.6 billion in state aid for the early closure of coal power stations. Under German law, no more electricity is to be produced from coal from 2038 onward. However, this new agreement moves the date forward to 2030.

  • Mail-in ballot with pen
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Colorado to be first state in the U.S. to expand automatic voter registration to tribes

    Tribal communities in Colorado share some of the same registration and voting barriers as other rural communities across the U.S., like geographic isolation and unreliable mail delivery. But according to the Native American Rights Fund, tribal communities also commonly experience obstacles like language barriers, a lack of voter registration opportunities, and state laws in some parts of the country that block polling places on tribal lands.

  • Buddha statue in the dark
    2023 C.E. December 15

    New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art to return looted ancient art to Cambodia and Thailand

    Thirteen of the works are being returned to Cambodia in concert with an investigation from the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York and Homeland Security. Among the works are a large head of Buddha made of stone in the seventh century, and a tenth century sandstone goddess statue from the Koh Ker archaeological site.

  • Silhouette of an airplane
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Denmark introduces “green tax” for sustainable aviation

    Revenue from the new measure is expected to contribute to sustainable fuel use in domestic air transportation by the end of the decade, as well as a pensioner bonus increase of approximately $2.18 billion annually for those receiving the smallest benefits. The Danish government’s goal is to have the nation’s first exclusively green-fueled domestic route operating by 2025.

  • Self-portrait of a woman with cancer and her children
    2023 C.E. December 15

    Triple-negative breast cancer vaccine shows good response in first clinical trial of patients

    A drug that targets the deadliest form of breast cancer was administered to 16 women in three separate doses in a trial conducted at the Cleveland Clinic with funding from the Pentagon. The trial found that the drug elicits no side effects and triggered an immune response in 75% of patients.

  • Sunset
    2023 C.E. December 14

    Papua New Guinea creates two massive new Marine Protected Areas

    Together they cover more than 6,200 square miles, tripling the country’s marine area under protection, and are the country’s first to be co-managed by Indigenous communities.

  • A Somali flag
    2023 C.E. December 13

    Somalia secures $4.5 billion debt relief deal with international creditors

    The deal comes as part of a debt forgiveness program —called the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative— overseen by the IMF and the World Bank. As a result of its participation in the program, Somalia’s external debt will fall from 64% of GDP in 2018 to less than 6% of GDP by the end of 2023.

  • Waving a pride flag
    2023 C.E. December 13

    Thailand to legalize same-sex marriage

    The Southeast Asian country will become the third Asian nation, after Taiwan and Nepal, to legalize same-sex marriage. A new amendment to its Civil and Commercial Code will change the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” to “individuals” and “marriage partners.” The next step will be an amendment to the country’s pension fund law to recognize same-sex couples.

  • Sahara scimitar Oryx
    2023 C.E. December 13

    North Africa’s scimitar horned oryx becomes first species ever to be downlisted from extinct in the wild to endangered

    The scimitar horned oryx was once widespread across North Africa, but in the 1980’s the population began to plummet - largely due to the antelopes being hunted. In 2000, the species was declared Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN Red List. Now, thanks to a conservation partnership coordinated by the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi, its fate has been reversed.

  • Electric bus
    2023 C.E. December 12

    Senegal’s capital Dakar is getting 121 electric buses

    The new Bus Rapid Transit system is one of the key components of an ambitious strategy for sustainable urban mobility. It will help improve air quality in Dakar and reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, with around 59,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year.

  • Small German town with polluting coal plant in the distance
    2023 C.E. December 11

    E.U. approves German state aid for early closure of coal plants

    The European Commission has agreed that Germany should be allowed to pay the energy giant RWE some €2.6 billion in state aid for the early closure of coal power stations. Under German law, no more electricity is to be produced from coal from 2038 onward. However, this new agreement moves the date forward to 2030.

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