Archive of Human Genius

The world’s largest database of good news and social change milestones from throughout human history


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  • Open books from above
    2020 C.E. August 27

    Kuwait relaxes book censorship laws

    Kuwaiti state media reported that the country’s parliament had voted 40 to nine in favor of lifting the Ministry of Information’s control over books imported into the country. Previously, the ministry had blacklisted more than 4,000 books since 2014.

  • Mexican flag
    2020 C.E. August 27

    Mexico to phase out use of herbicide glyphosate by 2024

    Mexico will gradually phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate by the time the current administration ends in late 2024, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday, following a ministerial spat over the product.

  • Offshore wind power
    2020 C.E. August 27

    Bird deaths down 70 percent after painting wind turbine blades

    According to a study conducted at a wind farm on the Norwegian archipelago of Smøla, changing the color of a single blade on a turbine from white to black resulted in a 70-percent drop in the number of bird deaths.

  • African children|Polio cases worldwide over time
    2020 C.E. August 26

    Africa declared free of wild polio in ‘milestone’

    Africa has been declared free from wild polio by the independent body, the Africa Regional Certification Commission. Polio usually affects children under five, sometimes leading to irreversible paralysis. Death can occur when breathing muscles are affected.

  • davidcohen R VXMRFVcE unsplash
    2020 C.E. August 25

    Germany is beginning a universal-basic-income trial with people getting $1,400 a month for 3 years

    120 volunteers will get monthly payments of €1,200, or about $1,400, as part of a study testing a universal basic income. The study will compare the experiences of the 120 volunteers with 1,380 people who do not receive the payments.

  • Jungle
    2020 C.E. August 25

    Cameroon cancels plan to log half of the Ebo Forest

    The 170,000 acre ecosystem is one of the last intact forests in central Africa and a biodiversity hotspot, harboring hundreds of rare plant and animal species, including the tool-using Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, western gorilla, and giant frogs.

  • Crack in cement
    2020 C.E. August 25

    Android phones to become the world’s biggest earthquake detection grid

    Google has started using the vast number of Android smartphones across the planet to help detect and warn people about seismic events. Your phone will begin transmitting accelerometer data if it detects something similar to an earthquake.

  • Heroin use
    2020 C.E. August 24

    U.K.’s first full heroin-prescribing scheme extended after reductions in crime and homelessness

    Campaigners celebrated the first “dramatic” results from Middlesbrough’s scheme, which found a vast reduction in re-offending rates and use of street drugs, and significant improvements in participants’ health and quality of life, including seeing those homeless at the outset placed in accommodation.

  • Hyundai car in the rain
    2020 C.E. August 24

    Hyundai KONA Electric sets range record of 1,026 kilometers

    Hyundai Motor successfully demonstrated its leadership in electrified mobility as three KONA Electric vehicles set a new range record. All vehicles used in the test were factory-spec and unmodified, equipped with standard Nexen N Fera SU1 low rolling resistance tires in the 215/55R17 size.

  • markus spiske d FbDJkJSFw unsplash scaled e
    2020 C.E. August 24

    India extends crucial incentive for solar and wind power projects

    The Ministry of Power recently extended the expiry of waiver of inter-state transmission charges available to solar and wind power projects. All such projects that are commissioned before 30 June 2023 will not be required to pay any inter-state transmission charges for a period of 25 years.

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